iPhone, iPad, Apple Watchで動くRPN電卓です。 メモリの許す限り利用できる可変サイズのスタック、科学計算に利用できる数々な演算子、ボタン操作を自動化するプログラムが利用できます。
バージョン | 4.0 |
対応OS | iOS 11.0以降 watchOS 4.0以降 macOS 10.13以降 |
対応デバイス | iPhone iPad Apple Watch Mac |
Decimalライブラリのアップデート Haptic Feedbackの改善
Almost always locks up on Apple Watch on function screens – very difficult to get back to main screen
Love the app but it can’t handle small numbers. For example
6 enter 100000000 / = NaNe-8 -
Love the app in terms of simplicity and ease of use, however it cannot display small numbers. For example on iPhone 10 iOS 13.1.13:
6 enter 100000000 /
shows NaNe-8
when I expect 0.00000006 or 6e-8 -
Today’s new version has bad bugs.. 1012.50 / 11.25 gives 9e+1 as result… as do other equations…
Beautifully presented app, but it’s too buggy. Releases seem to add more bugs – it just cannot practually work with small numbers. I expect to see 1 / 0.02 = 50, not 5e+1.
Plus, when I hit I’d expect to see 0 (or nothing) on the new line, not the last number I entered, which can be confusing. -
The cosine function returned a value of 1 when I asked for the cosine of a relatively large number. I was working in radians. It looks like any argument greater than 2pi returns a value of 1. This is a pretty serious bug, but I would guess it’s easily fixed (not knowing anything about how it’s programmed).
I did not check the other trig functions.
Something don’t work good, because I think there is a confusion between Input line command and the first level positon of the stack. For example, if I do “PHI” “Enter” “1” “-” the stack would have normally 3 element. “PHI” “PHI” and “1”. But when I type the “1” my second “PHI” is erased. The reason is that you need an independent input line. When you type a number this have to be done in a independent input line and not into the stack. And when you type “PHI” for example this have to be pushed directly to the first level of the stack, but when you type a number this have to be done into an independent input line and the number is pushed into the stack when you type “ENTER”.
If you do so. you will solve the problem. -
Sorry, I forgot to said that When you type a number into the input line it is pushed into the stack when you type “ENTER”, and if you type “ENTER” with an empty input line “ENTER” will duplicate the first level of the stack.
That’s how the HP48G is working. -
1) Give the user the option to display large numbers in a comma-separated format. For example, if a user enters a large number or a calculation results in a large number, for example 10000000000, then give the user the option to display numbers as you currently do (10000000000) or in comma-separated format (10,000,000,000) for enhanced readability.
2) Give the user the option to display numbers with a fixed number of decimals. For example, if user enters 1.234567 and he specified as his preferred format 2 decimals, that number would round and display as 1.23 and if he specified as his preferred format 4 decimals, that number would round and display as 1.2346 even though in both cases the internal number on the stack would remain at 1.234567 so that further calculations don’t result in rounding errors.
If user activates both of the above options (comma separated with for example 2 decimals) then 1234567.89012345 would show as 1,234,567.89
I always make use of these features on my HP RPN calculator and these would be great enhancements.Thank you for your consideration!
表示形式を変えられると嬉しいです。FIX, SCI, ENGなど。
Very nice to have a proper calculator on my iPhone. Semi programmable as well (no loops and conditionals yet, any plans?). One bug I encountered (not a serious one) is that the calculator crashes (on all platforms) when the result is too big. For example the faculty of a very large number.
Still, working with amazingly big and small numbers on a watch, very nice.
cut/copy/paste/delete are always greyed out on the macOS version.
also if you fix this, please make sure cmd+c works even if you have a key binding from “c” > “C/AC” (which currently gets triggered if i press cmd+c)